
Homemade Hydraulic Hulkbuster

At 3.2m high its a monster! Weight? No idea but theres not one piece can be lifted by one person.
Thanks to eBay for working with us on this project its amazing that all the components came from there site.

Check out the build videos
Part 1https://youtu.be/kSuaykdvl4I
Part 2 youtu.be/FO6My1joJVc

And check out eBays pages on the project
Hub: from.ebay.co.uk/Avengers

Jamess control systems youtu.be/5C30pwpGkRo

Subscribe so you dont miss the next Project bit.ly/2I6f0bv

Social stuff here people
Twitter twitter.com/colin_furze
Instagram www.instagram.com/realcolinfurze/
Facebook www.facebook.com/Colin-furze-521680751253584

Check out my other eBay projects here
Tie Fighter youtu.be/kkq3lAW875o
AT-AT youtu.be/t8IYwnXgAj4

To get a COLINFURZE MERCH click here


The track is called «seven» and is by «Braincoats» more from them here

In a band? Want your music on my videos! Send your tracks to furzemail@yahoo.co.uk as all music on this channel is from viewers

【男のロマン】~KABUTOM RX-03  6足歩行カブトムシ型ロボット~


2012.11.10 長野県上田市の「上田地域産業展」に6足歩行カブトムシ型ロボット「KABTOM RX-03」がやってきました。茨城県で産業機械製造業を営む高橋均さんが11年の歳月をかけ一人で製作したロボットです。もうかなりメディアで紹介されているので御存知の方も多いと思いますが実物はかなりの大きさで迫力満点です。会場に来た子どもたちも大喜びでした。「もっと多くの子どもたちに見せてあげたい」と高橋さんの奥様がおっしゃってました。イベント主催者の方ぜひあなたの街にも「KABUTOM RX-03」を呼んでみてはいかがですか。

How the Prosthesis Mech Works!

We get a demo of Prothesis, the exoskeleton mech suit designed by Jonathan Tippett and his team. This 8000 pound mech is directly controlled by Jonathan using his arms and legs, without any stabilizing gimbals or gyros. Jonathan explains how he has to essentially relearn to crawl in the Prosthesis, and we see and hear this massive machine lumber across a parking lot.

Shot by Gunther Kirsch and edited by Norman Chan

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Tested is:
Adam Savage www.twitter.com/donttrythis
Norman Chan www.twitter.com/nchan
Simone Giertz www.twitter.com/simonegiertz
Joey Fameli www.twitter.com/joeyfameli
Kishore Hari www.twitter.com/sciencequiche
Sean Charlesworth www.twitter.com/cworthdynamics
Jeremy Williams www.twitter.com/jerware
Ariel Waldman www.twitter.com/arielwaldman
Kayte Sabicer twitter.com/kaytesabicer
Bill Doran twitter.com/chinbeard
Gunther Kirsch
Ryan Kiser
Kristen Lomasney

Set design by Danica Johnson www.twitter.com/saysdanica

Thanks for watching!

INSIDE A MECH SUIT | Biowares Anthem Javelins

A look inside Colossus for Anthem with Sean Shikatani our real life Javelin suit pilot. #EAPLAY 2018 DURING E3 THIS YEAR!

Modeled and brought to life by:
Colossus Javelin — Sean Shikatani

Build by Henchmen team in Toronto.

Find Henchmen:
Web: www.henchmenprops.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/HenchmenProps/
Instagram: @HenchmenStudios
Twitter: @HenchStudios

Music Info: Epic Inspiration — AShamaluevMusic
Music Link: www.ashamaluevmusic.com

MegaBots at Maker Faire 2015: World Debut of the Mk. II Mech

In January of 2015, MegaBots and Autodesk partnered up to challenge makers from around the world to design the armor paneling of miniature MegaBots to show what our final walking robots might look like, and a reloading left arm cannon for our full-scale MegaBot. We then turned the torso shell and right arm of our Mk. I upper body prototype into a full-scale, 15 foot tall, 6 ton tracked mech that has the ability to drive, stand, torso twist, and fire interchangeable weapons from both arms.

The Mk. II is a tracked prototype of the walking mechs were gearing up to start designing and building. Its roughly the same size and weight as our final robots will be, with similar abilities to change out weapon systems and armor paneling.

20 Самых Больших Игрушек, От Которых Ты Офигеешь

20 Самых Больших Игрушек, От Которых Ты Офигеешь

1) Танк www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSC14rTo6Po
2) Трак www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2-OFGSESoI
3) Погрузчик www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiogO2bIqb0
4) Вертолет www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF8zqG6xR90
5) Джип www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcbe_7vl0h0
6) Экскаватор www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhFR1i2UsJ8
7) Самолет www.youtube.com/watch?v=akoJ2zBwX1o
8) Паровоз www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiTkqMkrn7o
9) Карьерный грузовик www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuUZb0dw4zg
10) Истребитель www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ9dSrrBN28
11) Кран www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvqAqhZ-ijg
12) Постройка мостов www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6cme45PqPc
13) Бигфут www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-XHWbxBMMU
14) Катер www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAKnu65cRT0
15) Формула 1 www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYbRbZqBqIs
16) Внедорожник www.youtube.com/watch?v=87374WL0cdY
17) Корабль www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv-e8zQCeKM

Сотрудничество — antonlarin.youtube@inbox.ru

Как Строят Потрясающие Модели Домов